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5 reasons you can’t get there from here

Writer's picture: Laura MacdougallLaura Macdougall

What if the most important goal you had could not be reached from where you are? Jane and I met on zoom for a consultation. She was out of work and had been for a while. She was anxious, not sleeping at night and feeling discouraged. Despite some early success in getting interviews,

she was certain no one would hire her as a VP despite her years of experience. Now, with COVID upon us she was convinced she would never find a job. She had difficulty in considering other alternatives and really wasn’t sure what else she would do. She had stopped networking and was no longer applying for jobs. She was stuck and not taking steps towards her goal. There are 5 reasons Jane and you may be stuck too: Reason #1: When we are anxious and stressed, our brain is in the flight or fight or freeze mode – which means we can’t access the higher problem solving parts of the brain that allow us to see our way forward. So unable to see an end to the problem you get more and more stressed. Reason #2: Henry Ford said it best. “Whether you think you can or can’t you are right”. Jane thought she couldn’t and that was leading to a self-fulfilling prophesy. Jane had stopped taking action so of course, without action she isn’t likely to move forward. Reason #3: You think you can figure it out on your own. Let’s face it designing your next chapter is complicated and you don’t have a proven process to figure it out. Sure, you can try to plan your way out on your own and get there eventually. So you wait, hoping to figure it out. Reasons #4: You are holding onto you past. You don’t want to give up what you once had – the prestigious role, the big title, and the perks, so you clutch onto it hoping that will bring it back. You cling to your past as has become part of your identity. Reason # 5: Afraid to invest. Jane was afraid to invest in herself as she didn’t have any income and didn’t know when she would. Scarcity mindset only leads to more scarcity. Stop being afraid of investing in yourself. YOU are the best investment in your future and there has never been a better time for you to be doubling down on your learning to help you take the leap forward you are wanting. If you are looking at the next couple of months and thinking “what am I going to do”, I get it, I have been there. Reach out now and book a Discovery Call with me so I can help you move forward, get unstock and focus on what you can do to move forward. You may not yet believe that it is possible for you, because of COVID or your skills or your age or your family needs or……whatever reason. But that doesn’t mean you can’t – because you can. In order for you to get somewhere new, you need to do something new. I am here for you – whenever you are ready for a change (even if you don’t believe you can do it – I do).

Laura Macdougall is a leading authority for senior women leaders in the non-profit and healthcare sectors who are designing their next chapters in life, work and legacy. Direct message her to book a Discovery call to learn more about her coaching packages.

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