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This is for you,
Health Care Leaders

Banish the Fear, ride out the turbulence with ease and take
back your life!

I know you have been putting in long hours, and mapping out home schooling, trying to figure out how to get groceries and wondering how to best ensure you can keep you and your family safe. Meanwhile, others talk about having all this time on their hands! That couldn’t be further from the truth.

I have been a healthcare leader too and I have a sense of the pressures you face each day and how they are magnified with current events. Concerns about your team and their health and well being, concerns about not having enough supplies and if we are going to be able to manage the volumes.

It is easy to get caught up in those negative patterns of worry and spend your time focused on ensuring everyone else is ok.

How will you deal with the worries of the day?


Until you banish the fear and find ways to ride out the turbulence of the time with less stress, you won’t be able to move forward and design your next chapter. You will be tired and stuck on that same old treadmill doing the same thing.

Now is the time to Banish the Fear – get 5 tools for Healthcare Leaders to help ride out the turbulence and take back your life.

Banish the Fear

It took you one type of leadership to get you where you are today. Your next chapter will require you to ride out the turbulence and take back your life

Get Banish The Fear: 5 Tools for Healthcare Leaders

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Copyright 2020 Laura Macdougall. All Rights Reserved.

© 2020 Laura Macdougall. All rights reserved

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Disclaimer: Laura Macdougall presents this content for educational purposes only. The information provided by the host, and her guests is not intended to to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or to cure such conditions. The information contained in the program, on her site, and  through her services are not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or mental health professional.

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